For Lego, “Everyone is Awesome”

Hila Harary
May 22, 2021

#incLGBT #genderfluidity

Lego joins the club that encourages diversity and inclusion and launches a new set called “Everyone is Awesome” just before June — Pride Month. The set includes 11 gender-free figures in the community flag colors and 2 additional figures in black and brown (if we’re already doing diversity then all the way…).

According to the designer who created the figures, they are meant to express individuality while being ambiguous. The only exception is the purple with the designed wig, which is a tribute to the drag queens wherever they are.

What do you think? Is the world too conservative or will the set be snatched off the shelves?




Hila Harary

A Chief Observation Officer & Trendologist @TectonicShift